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Br Neville, Br Brendan and 2 lay men.png

Marist Brothers Australia

 The Marist Brothers is an international Religious Institute of the Catholic Church founded by a French Priest, St Marcellin Champagnat, in 1817. Members of the Institute give themselves to following Christ as Mary did, through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. This religious commitment is lived in community and expressed in service, especially to the young. The mission given by St Marcellin to his followers was to “make Jesus Christ known and loved”. This has been achieved over the last two hundred years by educating, forming and caring for young people. Schools have been a favoured arena for the Brothers’ apostolic work. 

On December 8, 2022, the Marist Brothers' Star of the Sea Province was formed, bringing 11 Pacific Asia nations together, making it the largest and newest province in the worldwide Marist Institute. Head over to our new website to learn more about our work in the 11 countries.